What does the Building Trades advocate for?
Best Value Bidding
What is Best Value Bidding?
When you select a contractor to construct your Industrial, commercial, Institutional and residential building, what are the defining factors of that selection? History and record of work play a part, so does that organizations reputation, however, the single most common point of difference is price. It’s easy to save money when you go with the lowest bid, but, what does that low bid cost you in the long run?
What are the long term issues?
Windows leaking, mold, concrete failure, roofing repairs, higher energy costs, electrical and mechanical systems breakdowns… these and more are all common issues that low bid building face. Another consideration is will the contractor be there a year from now. If they are not in business when you have problems, you are on the hook for fixing them.
Ask yourself this, if the bid is significantly lower than other bids, how is the contractor providing that price? The cost saving comes from somewhere; it is either lower skilled workers, or low quality of materials or both.
What can you do?
We’re not saying to go with the highest bid by any means, but an educated client is our best client. The more you know and are aware of the pitfalls and misleading bidding styles used by some contractors the better off you are. Please contact our building trades representatives, they will help you get the most of the money you spend on your construction project. Now and in the future.
What is Fair Wage?
Fair wage is simply a term used to describe a policy that would ensure that unionized and non unionized works get paid fair wages for the same work done.
This proposed policy would level the playing field between unionized and non-unionized labour in terms of what workers in the ICI sector get paid to do the same comparable work. This forces contractors to pay their workers a fair wage and not underbid contracts.
Why level the playing field?
Our union affiliate members train extensively in each of their respective trades. This makes them more qualified and more importantly safer on the job. Jobs get done sooner, with fewer accidents and in the long term, less repairs.
Leveling the playing field holds non-union contractors to the same level of pay and job quality which is better for the workers, better for you the end user and ultimately its better for our community.
Why is this better for our Community?
When your organization utilizes unionized labour you help build the foundation for your own community. When workers are paid fair wages those wages go back into building a more prosperous place to live by those workers being able to utilize that income on housing, entertainment, transportation and education as well as other services provided locally.
What can you do?
We’re not saying to go with the highest bid by any means, but an educated client is our best client. The more you know and are aware of the pitfalls and misleading bidding styles used by some contractors the better off you are. Please contact our building trades representatives, they will help you get the most of the money you spend on your construction project. Now and in the future.