Help Us Break Par for JDRF – Canceled for 2020

Sponsorship Information
Title Sponsors ($5,000.00)
Logo presence on all print and promotional materials including 2012 official letterhead
Primary logo presence on tournament banner
Signage at registration and dinner
Direct website link
Logos on all golf carts
Opportunity to address assembly at dinner
Complimentary foursome
As reflected above, this Year’s Titles Sponsors include the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Union Benefits
Platinum Sponsors ($2500.00)
Logo presence on dinner programs
Logo presence on dinner tables
Logo presence on tournament banner
Direct website link
Special mention by emcee
Complimentary twosome
Gold Sponsors ($1000.00)
Logo presence on tournament banner
Special mention in dinner program
Silver Sponsors ($600.00)
Logo presence on tournament banner
Special mention in dinner program
Hole Sponsors ($300.00)
Sponsor name on hole
Special mention in dinner program
Toy Mountain
In the last four years the Building Trades has stepped up to the plate to help the local Salvation Army and their efforts with Toy Mountain ( formally the Angel Tree)
Toy Mountain supplies children and Youth with gifts at Christmas time. These are children that might not otherwise get a present on this particular day.
To date The Building Trade, though our locals have donated over 480 new toys to this simple yet wonderful cause.
Hand Sanitizer
As we have all had to deal with the realities of COVID there was a shortage of good hand sanitizer. The Building Trades, with the help of Bruce Power, secured a supply and delivered it by the case load to several different agency’s, including , the Waterloo Region Paramedics, the RCR reserve detachment in Stafford, the Child Witness Centre and the local food bank.