The building trades helps wrap up the toy mountain toy drive for 2024! Another 45 or so toys and a cheque for $1950. It’s an honour to continue to give back to our community.

The building trades helps wrap up the toy mountain toy drive for 2024! Another 45 or so toys and a cheque for $1950. It’s an honour to continue to give back to our community.
The #buildingtrades kicked off #toymountain@ctvkitchener with our traditional donation! Over a 125 toys under the Christmas tree this year for needy kids thanks to our caring members!
Be sure to donate your new, unwrapped toy at your local Canadian tire. #wwdgbctc#yourlocaltrades
The #buildingtrades were very pleased to make a donation @foodbankwatreg of app 350lbs of food and $6510 which will add up to 13300+ meals for our community! #wwdgbctc #yourlocaltrades
The building trades along with our #ua527 affiliate attended the waterloo #labourday picnic. Fantastic day filled with good conversation, fellowship and whole lot of freezies for the kids and not so little kids.
Out on the links @rebelcreekgolf to raise money for @jdrf_canada help us break par for #jdrf #buildingtrades #wwdgbctc #yourlocaltrades